About Us
We’ve helped make millions of connections between startups and job seekers on our platform over the last 10 years.
*Base on general network data

Chris DeFuria
Executive Chairman

96% of customers are sacrified through to see their freelancers
to task a freelancer, with 90% of projects completed in 7 days
of employees are more inclined to work for a company with a real CSR approach.
#explore pro services
There’s a lot more to come, and we’re excited to share it with you.
Our Mission
To bring Employers and Freelancers together from around the globe to get work done.
Our Vision
To help build a better world that's interconnected for prosperity and wired for peace.
Our Proposition
Connect, collaborate, and get work done in a safe and flexible online environment.

Our Value
Today’s businesses are facing rapid changes, so they need to stay flexible in how they work. And they shouldn’t be constrained by the four walls of an office, nine-to-five schedules, or traditional models that no longer fit.
Career decisions shouldn’t be left to corporate management alone. That’s old-school. Each member of our team is an invaluable partner whose expertise and contributions make us stronger every day.
Diversity delivers better outcomes for companies and talent alike. It's critical to cultivate workplace environments where people of all backgrounds and experiences are both valued and viewed as equal, so that everyone can excel in their careers and thrive.
Today, more than ever, businesses must do their part to reverse climate change. So we’re taking big steps to go carbon negative, becoming virtual-first, switching to energy-efficient tech, and building solar arrays in America’s heartland.
#explore our team
Meet our leadership team.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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